Mart 2011’de yayımlanan bu makale 15 Ekim 2011 tarihi itibariyle en çok okunan makaleler sıralamasında birinci sırada listelenmekte olup, 1 atıf almıştır.

Taylor & Francis Online :: An Examination of the Factors Influencing Consumers’ Attitudes Toward Social Media Marketing – Journal of Internet Commerce – Volume 10, Issue 1.
Social media and social media applications that build consumer communities involving rich user-generated content are new marketplaces and/or tools for marketers. This study aims to specify the factors affecting consumers’ attitudes toward marketing with social media. Given this context, a 7-factor, consumer-based attitude scale that contains 32 items was developed, and a questionnaire was completed by undergraduate students between the ages of 18 and 24. Frequencies, t-test, ANOVA, factor analysis, and regression analysis were used for data analysis. In the end, six factors were found to affect consumers’ attitudes toward marketing with social media.