

SCI kapsamında uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler

1. Yilmaz, C. (2017). Thermodynamic and economic investigation of geothermal powered absorption cooling
system for buildings. Geothermics, 70, 239-248.
2. Yilmaz C. Thermoeconomic modeling and optimization of a hydrogen production system using geothermal
energy. Geothermics. DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2016.08.008.
3. Kanoglu M, Yilmaz C, Abusoglu A. “Geothermal Energy Use in Absorption Precooling for Claude Hydrogen
Liquefaction Cycle” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.04.068.
4. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Abusoglu A. “Exergetic Cost Evaluation of Hydrogen Production Powered by
Combined Flash-Binary Geothermal Power Plant” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,40, 14021-
14030 (2015).
5. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Abusoglu A. “Thermoeconomic Cost Evaluation of Hydrogen Production Driven by
Binary Geothermal Power Plant” Geothermics 57, 18–25 (2015).
6. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M. “Thermodynamic evaluation of geothermal energy powered hydrogen production by
PEM water electrolysis” Energy 69, 592-602 (2014).
7. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Bolatturk A, Gadalla M. “Economics of hydrogen production and liquefaction by
geothermal energy” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37(2), 2058-2069 (2012).
8. Kanoglu M, Bolatturk A, Yilmaz C. “Thermodynamic Analysis of Models Used In Hydrogen Production By
Geothermal Energy” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35, 8783-8791 (2010).
Diğer uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
1. Kanoglu M, Yilmaz C, Abusoglu A. “Geothermal Energy Use in Hydrogen Production” Journal of Thermal
Engineering. Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 699-708, April, 2016.
2. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Abusoglu A. “Thermodynamic And Thermoeconomic Analyses Of Hydrogen
Liquefaction Cycle Assisted By Geothermal Energy” Strojarstvo Journal (Article in press) ( 2015).
3. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Abusoglu A. “Thermoeconomıc Optımızatıon of Hydrogen Productıon by A FlashBınary Geothermal Power Plant” International Journal of Energy Applications and Technology(Article in
press) (2015)

SCI, SCI-Expanded, SSCI ve AHCI kapsamında basılmış diğer yayınlar (bildiri, vaka takdimi, editöre not…
1. Kanoglu M, Yilmaz C, “Thermal Design of Alkaline Water Electrolysis Assisted by Combined Flash Binary
Geothermal Power Plant” Proceedings of the ASME, Volume 6A Energy, doi:10.1115/IMECE2013-62671.

Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler
1. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, “Thermoeconomic Optimization of an Integrated System with Absorption Cooling,
Geothermal Binary, and Claude Cycles” Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Istanbul 2016 –
ICAME2016. 11-13 May 2016, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
2. Çetin T.H, Öztürkmen B, Yılmaz C, Kanoğlu M, “Performance Analysis and Comparison of Gas Liquefaction Cycles” Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Istanbul 2016 – ICAME2016.
11-13 May 2016, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
3. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, “Thermodynamic and Economic Investigation of Geothermal Powered Absorption
Cooling System for Buildings” The 8th Mediterranean Congress of Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning
(Climamed 2015), 9-11 September 2015, Paris, France.
4. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Abusoglu A, “Thermoeconomic Optimization of Hydrogen Production by a FlashBinary Geothermal Power Plant” International Conference on Advanced Technology & Sciences (ICAT’15),
4-7 August 2015, Antalya, Turkey.
5. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Abusoglu A, “Geothermal Energy Use in Hydrogen Production” Internatıonal
Conference on Advances in Mechanıcal Engıneerıng (ICAME-2015). İstanbul, Turkey.
6. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Abusoglu A, “Thermoeconomic Optimization of Hydrogen Production and
Liquefaction by Geothermal Power” 7th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium
(IEEES’7-2015), UVHC, ENSIAME, Valenciennes, France (April 27-30, 2015).
7. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Abusoglu A, “Thermoeconomic Assessment of a Geothermal Powered Hydrogen Gas
Liquefaction System”, Energy Technologies Conference ENTECH’14, 22-24 December 2014, Istanbul,
8. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Abusoglu A, “Thermoeconomic Assessment of a Geothermal Powered Hydrogen
Production System”, 2nd International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials
(ENEFM2014), October 16-19, 2014, Oludeniz, Turkey.
9. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Abusoglu A, “Jeotermal Güç Kullanan Bir Alkali Elektroliz Ünitesinden Hidrojen
Üretiminin Termodinamik Analizi”, 11th International HVAC+R Technology Symposium, Proceedings: p.
231-239, May 8-10, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
10. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Abusoglu A, “Thermoeconomic Cost Evaluation of Hydrogen Production Driven by
Binary Geothermal Power Plant”, The Second International Conference on Sustainable Systems and the
Environment (ISSE 2014), February 12-13, 2014, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE.
11. Kanoglu M, Yilmaz C, “Thermal Design of Alkaline Water Electrolysis Assisted by Combined Flash Binary
Geothermal Power Plant”, Proceedings of the ASME, 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress &
Exposition (IMECE 2013), November 13-21, 2013, San Diego, California, USA.
12. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, “Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of Hydrogen Production by PEM Water
Electrolysis Powered by Geothermal Energy”, The 2nd International Conference on Water, Energy and the
Environment, Sep. 21-24, 2013, Kusadasi, Turkey.
13. Yilmaz C, Demir S, Abusoglu A, “A Comparison of Exergoeconomic Methodologies for a Binary Geothermal
Power Plant” Global Conference on Global Warming-2012 (GCGW-12), 8-12 July 2012, İstanbul, Turkey.
14. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, “Energy and exergy analysis of hydrogen production by PEM water electrolysis
powered by geothermal energy”, 6th International Ege Energy Symposium & Exhibition, IEESE-12, June 28-
30, 2012, Izmir, Turkey.
15. Kanoglu M., Yilmaz C., Bolatturk A. “Economics of Hydrogen Production and Liquefaction by Geothermal
Energy”, 10th International Conference on Clean Energy (ICCE-2010), September 15-17, 2010, Famagusta,
N. Cyprus.
16. Kanoglu M., Yilmaz C., Bolatturk A. “Thermodynamic Analysis of Models Used in Hydrogen Production by
Geothermal Energy”, 5th International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition (IEESE-5), June 27-30, 2010,
17. Kanoglu M., Yilmaz C., Bolatturk A. “Hydrogen Production and Liquefaction by Geothermal Heat and
Power”, International Conference on Hydrogen Production With Emphasis on Storage and Safety – ICH2P
2010, June 16 -18, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
1. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Abusoglu A. “Jeotermal Destekli Amonyak Su Absorpsiyonlu Soğutma Sisteminin Bilgisayar Ortamında Modellenmesi”, TTMD, Cilt 90, Mart-Nisan, 27-33 (2015).

Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
1. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Abusoglu A, Jeotermal Enerji ile Hidrojen Sıvılaştırma Sisteminin Termoekonomik
Analiz ve Optimizasyonu, 20. Ulusal Isı Bilimi Ve Tekniği Kongresi, 2-5 Eylül 2015 (ULIBTK’15), Balıkesir.
2. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Abusoglu A, Jeotermal Destekli Hidrojen Sivilaştirma Çevriminin Termodinamik Ve
Termoekonomik Analizi, 12. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi Ve Sodex, 8-11 Nisan 2015, İzmir.
3. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Abusoglu A, Jeotermal Destekli Amonyak Su Absorpsiyonlu Soğutma Sisteminin
Bilgisayar Ortamında Modellenmesi, 2. Ulusal İklimlendirme Soğutma Eğitimi Sempozyumu ve Sergisi, 23-
25 Ekim 2014, Balıkesir.
4. Yilmaz C, Kanoglu M, Bolatturk A, Jeotermal Enerji ile Hidrojen Üretilmesi ve Sıvılaştırılması, Tesisat
Kongresi TESKON 2011, 13-16 Nisan, 2011, İzmir.