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Demirkol, A. Local Development and Privatization Nexus at Single Industry Towns: The Case of Karadeniz Ereğli. (Under Review).

Demirtaş, G., & Demirkol, A. Effect of Intellectual Property Rights on Economic Growth- The Case of Developing Countries. (Under Review).

Demirkol, A. (Forthcoming). A Perspective on Critical Security Concept and International Migration Nexus through Copenhagen School: The Quest for Societal Security. Lectio Socialis.

Demirkol, A. (Forthcoming). Afyonkarahisar’da Yersizlik, Kent Mültecileri ve Kurumsuzlaştırma. [Placelessness, Urban Refugees and De-institutionalisation in Afyonkarahisar]. İçinde Çağdaş Kentlerin Kurumsuzlaştırılması ya da Yeniden Kurumsallaştırılması. [De- or Re-institutionalisation of Contemporary Cities] (Ed. M. Kırmızı). İdealkent Yayınları.

Demirkol, A. (Forthcoming). Three Faces of International Law: A Critical Approach. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi. (In Turkish).

Demirkol, A. (Forthcoming). Refugees in Urban Areas: Otherness, Exclusion, and Survival. TRC Journal of Humanitarian Action.



Demirkol, A. (2022). Why Is There No Third World War Yet? Slovak Journal of International Relations, 20(3), 277-290. (In English).

Demirkol, A. (2022). An Empirical Analysis of Securitization Discourse in The European Union. Migration Letters. 19(3). 273-286. (In English).

Kırdım, Ş. E., & Demirkol, A. (2021) Evaluating Turkish Migration Law Through TWAIL: How Bigger Is the World Than Five? Yeditepe University Law Review. 18(2). 1577-1613. (In Turkish).

Kırdım, Ş. E., & Demirkol, A. Customary International Law as A Source of International Human Rights Law. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Faculty of Law Review. 25(4). 379-434. (In Turkish).

Demirkol, A. (2021). Understanding American Strategic Culture and Foreign Policy Through Robert Kagan: A Review. Journal of International Relations and Diplomacy. 4(1). 1-17. (In English).

Demirkol, A. (2021). The Profit of The Central Government or The Wealth of The Local? The Consequences of Privatization at Single-Industry Cities. Çağdaş Yerel Yönetimler Dergisi. 30(2). 97-127. (In Turkish).

Demirkol, A., & Kırdım, Ş. E. (2021). Marxism and International Law: Theory or Criticism? Galatasaray University Law Review.2021(1). 417-454. (In Turkish).

Kırdım, Ş. E., & Demirkol, A. (2021). The Examination of the Concept of Self-Determination in the Light of the San Francisco Proceedings and the United Nations Resolutions. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Faculty of Law Review. 25(1), 389-430. (In Turkish).

Pektaş, E. K., & Demirkol, A. (2018). The Role and Impacts of Development Agencies on Regional Development Process: The Case of Zafer Development Agency. Manisa Celal Bayar University Journal of Social Sciences. 16(2), 77–98. (In Turkish)



Demirkol A. (2022). Kentlerde Yer Duygusu: Karadeniz Ereğli ve Özelleştirmenin Yerel Etkileri. [Sense of Place in Cities: Karadeniz Eregli and Local Effects of Privatization] İdealkent Yayınları.



Demirkol, A. (2022). Realism Said, “Goodbye!” to Liberalism: The Case of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine. 21st International Scientific Conference on Economic, Political, and Legal Issues of International Relations. (In English). Proceeding Published & Presented.

Demirkol, A. & Kırdım Ş. E. (2021). An Ontological Challenge to the International Law. 7thInternational Congress on International Law. (In Turkish). Abstract Published & Presented.

Demirkol, A. (2021). The European Union’s Securitization of Immigration: The Effect of Immigration on Terrorism. Turkish Economic Association the Seventh International Congress on Economics. (In Turkish). Abstract Published & Presented.

Demirkol, A. (2020). The Profit of The Central Government or The Wealth of The Local? The Consequences of Privatization at Single-Industry Cities. 5th International Conference on Urban Studies, Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish) Abstract Published & Presented.

Pektaş, E. K., & Demirkol, A. (2017). The Fire Services in the Municipal Governments and the Restructuring in the Fire Services. Mediterranean International Conference on Social Sciences (MECAS I), Mediterranean Economy, Culture, Architecture and Security, Podgorica. (In Turkish) Full paper Published.

Pektaş, E. K., & Demirkol, A. (2016). Contributions of Development Agencies on the Purpose of Providing Regional Social Development in the Case of Zafer Development Agency. UNIDAP International Regional Development Conference, Muş, Turkey. (In Turkish) Full paper Published.



Demirkol, A. (2022). Critical Security Studies, Securitization, and International Migration. Security Dilemmas in Turkey’s Geopolitical Environment: Global Crises and Regional Impacts. Foreign Policy Institute: Ankara. (Report)

Demirkol, A., Toprak, D., Sözgen, M. C., ve Oyan, M. A. (2021, 5 November). European Pact on Migration and Asylum: A Sacrifice or Normative Values for Efficiency? METUMIR. (Blog Post)