Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
- Şeyma Şafak Yaşar, İbrahim Tiryakioğlu, Bahadır Aktuğ, Hediye Erdoğan, and Çağlar Özkaymak, 2025. Determination of Anatolian Plate’s tectonic block boundaries with clustering analysis using GNSS sites velocities. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 16/1, 1-26.
- Umut Öncü, Hasan Sözbilir, Çağlar Özkaymak, Mustafa Softa, Ökmen Sümer, Semih Eski, Joel Q.G. Spencer, Eren Şahiner, Mehmet Yüksel, Niyazi Meriç, Mustafa Topaksu, 2024. Palaeoseismologic evidence for a seismic gap located very close to the epicentre of 30 October 2020 Samos Earthquake (M6.9) , western Anatolia, Türkiye. Natural Hazards, 120:4699–4727.
- Halil İbrahim Solak, İbrahim Tiryakioğlu, Çağlar Özkaymak, Hasan Sözbilir, Bahadır Aktuğ, Hasan Hakan Yavaşoğlu, Ali Özkan, 2024. Recent tectonic features of Western Anatolia based on half-space modeling of GNSS Data, Tectonophysics, 872: 1-12.
- Mustafa Softa, Fikret Kocbulut, Elif Akgun, Ercan Aksoy, Hasan Sozbilir, Orhan Tatar, Volkan Karabacak, Çağlar Özkaymak, Mehmet Utku, Özkan Cevdet Özdag, Recep Cakır, Ahmet Demir, Gökhan Arslan, 2024. Surface rupture during the 6th of February 2023 Mw 7.6 Elbistan-Ekinözü (Kahramanmaraş) earthquake: Implications for fault rupture dynamics along the northern branch of East Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 33: 1-21.
- Volkan Karabacak, Çağlar Özkaymak, Hasan Sözbilir, Orhan Tatar, Bahadır Aktuğ, Özkan Cevdet Özdağ, Recep Çakır, Ercan Aksoy, Fikret Koçbulut, Mustafa Softa, Elif Akgün, Ahmet Demir, Gökhan Arslan, 2023. “The 2023 Pazarcık (Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye) Earthquake (Mw: 7.7): Implications for surface rupture dynamics along the East Anatolian Fault Zone,” Journal of the Geological Society. 180/3, jgs2023-020, https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2023-020
- Kemal Ozgur Hastaoglu, Fatih Poyraz, H. Erdoğan, Ibrahim Tiryakioglu, Caglar Özkaymak, Huseyin Duman, Yavuz Gül, S. Guler, A. Dogan, Y. Gul, 2023. Determination of periodic deformation from InSAR results using the FFT time series analysis method in Gediz Graben. Natural Hazards. 117, 491-517, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-023-05870-w
- İbrahim Tiryakioğlu, Kaan Çalışkan, Cemal Özer Yigit, Kemal Hastaoglu, Fatih Poyraz, Tamer Baybura, Eralp Gurlek, Çağlar Özkaymak, 2022. The velocity of aseismic surface deformations between 2016–2020 detected by precise leveling surveys of the Akşehir Simav Fault System in the Bolvadin district, western Anatolia, Annals of Geophysics 65/5 GD535, 1-17.
- Alperen Doğan, Çağdaş Kaygusuz, İbrahim Tiryakioğlu, Cemal Özer Yiğit, Hasan Sözbilir, Çağlar Özkaymak, Bayram Turgut, 2022. Geodetic evidence for aseismic fault movement on the eastern segment of the Gediz Graben system (western Anatolia extensional province, Turkey) and its signifcance for settlements. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 57/3, 461-476.
- Berna Şengöçmen Geçkin, Hasan Sözbilir, Çağlar Özkaymak, Mustafa Softa, Joel Q. G. Spencer, Eren Şahiner, Niyazi Meriç, Ahmet Hamdi Deliormanlı, 2022. Evidence of surface rupture associated with historical earthquakes on the Gülbahçe Fault Zone (İzmir, Türkiye) and its application for determination of the surface fault‑rupture hazard zone, Natural Hazards, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-022-05467-9.
- Nasim Mozafari, Çağlar Özkaymak, Ökmen Sümer, Dmitry Tikhomirov, Bora Uzel, Serdar Yeşilyurt, Susan Ivy-Ochs, Christof Vockenhuber, Hasan Sözbilir, and Naki Akçar, 2022. Seismic history of western Anatolia during the last 16 kyr determined by cosmogenic 36Cl dating. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 115:5.
- Nasim Mozafari, Çağlar Özkaymak, Dmitry Tikhomirov, Susan Ivy-Ochs, Vasily Alfimov, Hasan Sözbilir, Christian Schlüchter and Naki Akçar, 2021. Seismic Activity of the Manisa Fault Zone in Western Turkey constrained by Cosmogenic 36Cl Dating. Geosciences, 11, 451.
- Bahadır Aktuğ, İbrahim Tiryakioğlu, Hasan Sözbilir, Haluk Özener, Çağlar Özkaymak, Cemal Özer Yiğit, Halil İbrahim Solak, Eda Esma Eyübagil, Bengisu Gelin, Orhan Tatar, Mustafa Softa, 2021. GPS Derived Finite Source Mechanism of the 30 October 2020 Samos Earthquake, Mw=6.9 in Aegean extensional region. Turkish Journal of Earth Science 30: 718-737.
- Çiğdem Tepe, Hasan Sözbilir, Semih Eski, Ökmen Sümer, Çağlar Özkaymak, 2021. Updated historical earthquake catalog of İzmir region (western Anatolia) and its importance for the determination of seismogenic source. Turkish Journal of Earth Science 30: 779-805.
- Eda Esma Eyübagil, Halil İbrahim Solak, Umre Selin Kavak, İbrahim Tiryakioglu, Hasan Sözbilir, Bahadır Aktuğ, Çağlar Özkaymak, 2021. Present day strike-slip deformation within the southern part of the İzmir-Balıkesir Transfer Zone based on GNSS data and implications for seismic hazard assessment in western Anatolia, Turkish Journal of Earth Science,30, 143-160.
- Çağlar Özkaymak, Hasan Sözbilir, Mertkan Osman Geçievi, İbrahim Tiryakioğlu, 2019. Late Holocene coseismic rupture and aseismic creep on the Bolvadin Fault, Afyon Akşehir Graben, Western Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Earth Science 28: 787-804. DOI: 10.3906/yer-1906-13
- Nasim Mozafari, Dmitry Tikhomirov, Ökmen Sumer, Çağlar Özkaymak, Bora Uzel, Serdar Yeşilyurt, Susan Ivy-Ochs, Christof Vockenhuber, Hasan Sözbilir, Naki Akçar, 2019. Dating of active normal fault scarps in the Büyük Menderes Graben (western Anatolia) and its implications for seismic history. Quaternary Science Reviews, 220 111-123. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.07.002
- Tiryakioğlu, İ., Yiğit, C. O., Özkaymak, Ç., Baybura, T., Yılmaz, M., Uğur, M. A., Yalçın, M., Poyraz. F., Sözbilir, H. and Gülal, V. E., 2019. Active surface deformations detected by precise levelling surveys in the Afyon-Akşehir Graben, Western Anatolia, Turkey. Geofizika, 36, 33-52, DOI: 10.15233/gfz.2019.36.4
- Tiryakioğlu, İ., Uğur, M.A., Özkaymak, Ç., 2018c. Determination of Surface Deformations with Global Navigation Satellite System Time Series. International Journal of Geological and Environmental Engineering, 12/11, 719-722
- Sümer, Ö., Uzel, B., Özkaymak, Ç., Sözbilir, H., 2018. Kinematics of the Havran-Balıkesir Fault Zone and its implication on geodynamic evolution of the Southern Marmara Region, NW Anatolia. Geodinamica Acta, 30 (1) 306-323.
- Tiryakioğlu, İ., Özkaymak, Ç., Baybura, T., Sözbilir, H., Uysal, M., 2018b. Comparison of Palaeostress Analysis, Geodetic Strain Rates and Seismic Data in the Western Part of The Sultandağı Fault in Turkey. Annals of Geophysics, 61, 3, GD335. Doi: 10.4401/ag-7591
- Tiryakioğlu, İ., Aktuğ, B., Yiğit, C.O., Yavaşoğlu, H.H., Sözbilir, H., Özkaymak, Ç., Poyraz, F., Taneli, E., Bulut, F., Doğru, A., Özener, H., 2018a. Slip distribution and source parameters of the 20 July 2017 Bodrum-Kos earthquake (Mw6.6) from GPS observations. Geodinamica Acta, 30/1, 1-14.
- Tiryakioglu, İ., Yavasoglu, H., Ugur, M.A., Özkaymak, Ç., Yilmaz M., Kocaoglu, H., 2017. Analysis of October 23 (Mw 7.2) and November 9 (Mw 5.6), 2011 Van Earthquakes Using Long-Term GNSS Time Series. Earth Science Research Journal, 21/3, 147-156.
- Uzel, B., Sümer, Ö., Özkaptan, M., Özkaymak, Ç., Kuiper, K., Sözbilir, H., İnci, U., Kaymakçı, N., Langereis C.G., 2017. Paleomagnetic and geochronologic evidence for a major middle Miocene unconformity in Söke Basin (Western Anatolia) and its tectonic implications for the Aegean region. Journal of the Geological Society. 174/4, 721-740.
- Sözbilir, H., Özkaymak, Ç., Uzel, B., Sümer, Ö., Eski, S., Tepe, Ç., 2016. Palaeoseismology of Havran-Balıkesir Fault Zone: Evidence for past earthquakes occurred in strike-slip dominated contractional deformation along the southern branches of North Anatolian Fault in NW Turkey. Geodinamica Acta. 28/4, 254-272
- Sözbilir, H., Sümer, Ö., Özkaymak, Ç., Uzel, B., Güler, T., Eski, S., 2016. Kinematic analysis and paleoseismology of Edremit Fault Zone: Evidence for past earthquakes in the southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Biga Peninsula, NW Turkey. Geodinamica Acta, 28/4, 273-294
- Özkaymak, Ç., 2015. Tectonic analysis of the Honaz Fault (western Anatolia) using geomorphic indices and the regional implications. Geodinamica Acta, 27:2-3, 110-129.
- Uzel, B., Langereis, C.G., Kaymakcı, N., Sözbilir, H., Özkaymak, Ç., Özkaptan, M., 2015. Paleomagnetic evidence for an inverse rotation history of Western Anatolia during the exhumation of Menderes metamorphic core complex. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 414, 108-125.
- Özkaymak, Ç., Sözbilir, H. and Uzel B., 2013. Neogene–Quaternary evolution of the Manisa Basin: Evidence for variation in the stress pattern of the İzmir-Balıkesir Transfer Zone, western Anatolia. Journal of Geodynamics Special issue: Tethyan Evolution, Anatolia. 65, 117-135
- Uzel, B., Sözbilir, H., Özkaymak, Ç., Kaymakçı, N., and Langeris, C. G., 2013. Structural evidence for strike-slip deformation in the İzmir-Balıkesir Transfer Zone and consequences for late Cenozoic evolution of western Anatolia (Turkey). Journal of Geodynamics Special issue: Tethyan Evolution, Anatolia. 65, 94, 116.
- Akçar N., Tikhomirov D., Özkaymak Ç., Alfimov V., Ivy-Ochs S., Sözbilir H., Uzel B., and Schlüchter C., 2012. 36Cl Exposure Dating of Paleoearthquakes in the Eastern Mediterranean: First Results from the Western Anatolian Extensional Province, Manisa Fault Zone, Turkey. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 124 (11/12), 1724–1735.
- Özkaymak, Ç. and Sözbilir, H., 2012. Tectonic Geomorphology of the Spildağı High Ranges, Western Anatolia. Geomorphology. 173–174, 128–140.
- Uzel B., Sözbilir H. and Özkaymak Ç., 2012. Neotectonic Evolution of an Actively Growing Superimposed Basin in Western Anatolia: The Inner Bay of İzmir, Turkey. Turkish Journal Of Earth Sciences, 21, 439-471.
- Özkaymak, Ç., Sözbilir, H., Uzel B. and Akyüz H.S., 2011. Geological and palaeoseismological evidence for Late Pleistocene-Holocene activity on the Manisa Fault Zone, western Anatolia. Turkish Journal Of Earth Sciences, 20, 449-474.
- Özkaymak, Ç. and Sözbilir, H., 2008. Stratigraphic and Structural Evidence for Fault Reactivation: The Active Manisa Fault Zone, Western Anatolia. Turkish Journal Of Earth Sciences, Cilt: 17, No: 3, p. 615-635.
- Tekin, Y., Köse, O., Demirbağ, H., Özkaymak, Ç. and Selçuk, L., 2003. Could the coseismic fractures of a lake ice reflect the earthquake mechanism? (Afyon Earthquakes of 02.03.2002. Central Anatolia, Turkey). Geodynamica Acta, 16/ 83-87.