0-Introduction to CFD

Original Page : http://blog.learncax.com/2012/04/introduction-to-cfd_30.html


Introduction to CFD


This is the complete list of blog on "Introduction to CFD"

1) Introduction to CFD – Part I :  What is CFD ?

This first part of the blog gives idea about overall CFD cycle. The details of three main approaches to study flow physics viz. Experimental Approach (EFD), Analytical Approach (AFD) and Numerical Approach (CFD) is given.

2) Introduction to CFD – Part II : Preprocesssing – Selecting the Domain

This second part of the blog gives details about important step in pre-processing : About deciding what domain one needs to model in CFD. The domain definition is very important aspect of CFD cycle and it completely depends on the aim and objective of CFD project. Through simple example, this concept is explained.

3) Introduction to CFD – Part III : Preprocessing – Grid Generation

Grid generation is a critical part of CFD cycle. The accuracy of solution highly depends on the the quality of gird. This part of the blog gives details about different methods of grid generation,  cell quality aspects and its impact on CFD solution.


4) Introduction to CFD – Part IV : Preprocessing – Boundary Tagging

Although for same physics, we solve same governing equations, the solution looks different from different problems. The unique solution is mainly decided by boundary conditions. Boundary condition is important aspect of CFD solution. In order to define the boundary conditions, it is very necessary to tag the boundaries at pre-processing step. This part of the blog gives details about various tags and types you can assign to the boundary. A typical example is given with standard tagging.


 5) Introduction to CFD – Part V : Solution



Solution step needs various inputs depending on the physics you want to simulate. The important and most critical part of the setup is putting appropriate boundary conditions. This part of the blog gives details about the overall procedure and inputs one needs to give during solution setup


6) Intorduction to CFD – Part VI : Post-processing and Interpritation of Results

 So keep reading…………


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